Now, she’s back and better than ever! No more girl-pop–Robyn totally defies musical genres–and that’s a good thing. TRUST! I can’t wait! I gotta listen to all her albums again (and I can, cause I got them all in Sweden!). Anyone know who’s opening?

In short, Perez is being sued by Zomba/Sony BMG for streaming tracks off of Britney Spears’ album Blackout prior to the album’s release date. As a result, Perez is refusing to blog about some of his favorite up and coming artists (like Leona Lewis) (and established talents) just because they call Sony BMG, Zomba, or another affiliate label home. Now I totally respect Perez’s freedom of speech AND his opinion…but he needs to get off of his high horse.
Don’t post copyrighted music on your site! He knew it was Britney, he knew there was a chance that it was illegal. He has friends in high places and didn’t think he’d be called out, much less sued. Plain and simple. The whole “everyone else was posting it so why can’t I” excuse doesn’t fly.
I wish him the best in his lawsuit. I honestly do. But he shouldn’t have posted the music—downloadable or not.