Oh the stresses of life! Once again, the delay between this post and my last is unforgivably long. I started bidding on Ebay for a “rare remix promo” of American Idol Season Six finalist, Melinda Doolittle. I typically jump at the excuse to purchase a rare promo on Ebay if there’s a 1-click buy option. This time around, there wasn’t that option, so I bid the minimum $10.00. Sure enough, I was out bid. I went up to about $25.00 and next thing I know, it’s all the way up to $80.00! Holy shit! Quite the jump. I’m sorry, but a 7-track promo for $80.00 + shipping does not seem like a good deal to me. Such is the nature of Ebay, I guess. Remixes are by Jason Nevins, Mike Rizzo and Smashmode. Damn you, big spender!

Here’s the gloriousness that I missed out on:
Melinda Doolittle – It’s Your Love – Remixes
1. It’s Your Love (Jason Nevins Club Mix) 6:52
2. It’s Your Love (Mike Rizzo Club Mix) 6:36
3. It’s Your Love (Smashmode Mix) 4:28
4. It’s Your Love (Mike Rizzo Dub Mix) 6:36
5. It’s Your Love (Jason Nevins Radio Mix) 4:03
6. It’s Your Love (Mike Rizzo Radio Mix) 3:27
7. It’s Your Love (Smashmode Radio Mix) 3:06
[EDIT] – According to a wonderful member of the Melinda Doolittle Street Team, the remixes will be available for download on iTunes and on Melinda’s official website – www.melindadoolittle.com on July 7th!
Check out Melinda Doolittle on the web: Official Site/Twitter/MySpace/YouTube/iLike/Blogger