OK…putting up a quick album artwork update while I have some computer access. Currently I’m in the Chicago burbs at my parents place…the tail end of a week long vacation that took me from Boston to Corvallis (Oregon) then to Portland and now, sweet home Chicago. I didn’t really do TOO much shopping but while in Portland I stumbled upon a cute little indie music shop (Jackpot Records) and bought a couple of Girl Talk CDs (partially to prepare for November’s show). I really fell in love with Portland on this trip. What a GREAT city. Lots of great shops, hipster boys around every corner and amazing food and coffee.
I’ll be back in Boston on Monday night and blogging (semi) regularly from then on. For now, here’s some cool new album artwork to keep you busy, courtesy of the always helpful Coverlandia and Covermania teams. In interest of getting a good night’s sleep tonight…I will be posting three words that describe the album artwork, rather than my usual 1-2 paragraphs of commentary. Sometimes brevity is better.