These guys are the KINGS OF CHEESE and I love them for it. The new video for the Atlantic Records-Acapella
Category: Straight No Chaser

My Weekly Last FM Chart
Once again I haven’t been blogging much. It’s not for a lack of motivation, or stuff to talk about…it’s more

My Weekly Last FM Chart
In following with last weeks format, I’ll be doing my top 10 listened to artists of the past week, according

New Album Art Wednesday!
You know me and album artwork by now. I’m obsessed with it. Need to have it. Here’s a bunch of

New Straight No Chaser EP Out July 30, 2009!
Ahhhhh! So exciting. Back in October of last year I blogged about my favorite A Cappella group, SNC…otherwise known as

New Straight No Chaser Track!
So I got an update on Facebook from the Straight No Chaser official FB group. Anytime a favorite artist or

Straight No Chaser – A Capella Group
I sang in the Jubilate Children’s Choir when I was younger; I sang with the chorus in junior high, and