Lykke Li is further proof that all things musically fabulous come out of Sweden. The new video for “Get Some” has Li looking all tribal and stuff, getting down and DIRRTY, grabbing herself and dancing around looking fierce while some eerie black and white video montage plays behind her. The atmospheric and gritty video was directed by Johan Söderberg who’s done some video work for Madonna. Very cool stuff. “Get Some,” which features a driving rhythmic drum beat throughout, is more ROCK than it is electronica, a style I think really suits the talented singer/songwriter. When paired up with the visually complementary kaleidoscopic visuals of the video, “Get Some” turns into a romping stomping good time. Download “Get Some” for free on Lykke Li‘s website OR buy it on iTunes with the B-Side “Paris Blue.”

Hot Video Alert: Lykke Li – Get Some
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