In one of Atlantic Records email updates, I was surprised to see a little plug for Jason Castro. I knew

In one of Atlantic Records email updates, I was surprised to see a little plug for Jason Castro. I knew
Thanks to a user on the Pulse Music Board, I’ve learned that the next single from British dance masters, the
As if I needed another reason to love British singer VV Brown. Thanks to Popjustice, I’ve learned that her 2nd
Alright. Back to the music. I just returned yesterday from my week long European excursion to London, Munich & Ingolstadt.
Scottish singer Paolo Nutini is releasing his brand new single, “Candy” on May 18th in the UK, which is exciting
Sorry for the delay in postings! Work has been draining me and this past weekend allowed me to let loose
According to Sophie Ellis-Bextor via her Twitter, “I have styling meeting next week for ‘Heartbreak’ video. What to wear?” I’m
Photo from Howdy! Infrequent posts lately. Work has been draggin’ and I think I’m just in desperate need of
I’ve mentioned before that my music tastes vary pretty drastically. I count Britney Spears, Madonna, The Dixie Chicks and Ray
Patron Tequila, the debut single from Paradiso Girls is coming to iTunes on April 14th. That’s just two short weeks